Key elements of the career guidance system in Serbia are:
- The legislative framework of the system of career guidance and counselling was established in 2010 by the Strategy for Career Guidance and Counselling in the Republic of Serbia and the corresponding four-year Action plan.
- On the national level, career guidance services are provided by different institutions and organizations in the sectors of education, employment and youth.
- The National Employment Service (NES) provides career guidance services to individuals through its network of 34 offices across the country. Additionally, 13 Centres for information and professional guidance (CIPS) have been established in major cities. Furthermore, NES has established Centres for professional rehabilitation and employment of people with disabilities. Counsellors working in the National Employment Service also provide services related to professional orientation to school-aged children.
- In schools, career guidance is provided by teachers, psychologists and pedagogues. The changes of educational laws in 2013 and 2017 emphasize the importance of career guidance in the educational sector. This is especially relevant for secondary schools where career guidance programme and career guidance teams are recognized as mechanisms for supporting activities of development of career management skills of pupils.
- At the university level, career guidance is provided through university and faculty career development centres. Almost all universities have career centres which organize career workshops, provide counselling and organize internships.
- Career guidance is also provided in local Youth offices, supported by several projects. It focuses on providing career-related information to youth as well as peer-guidance.
- Several online portals and tools have been developed in recent years related to choosing careers, job-hunting skills, career management skills, career descriptions etc.